Christmas lunch at Brightlingsea Sailing Club

Deputy’s Gift Fund

When the Deputy is chosen each year he becomes Chairman of the Gift Fund. The Fund originated from efforts made to help the widows, orphans and those distressed among the fishing community towards the end of the nineteenth century. Nowadays the Fund looks after residents of Brightlingsea who as individuals, couples or families may otherwise be on their own. The emphasis is very much on local people who live alone.

Today not many people need money or bags of coal which the Fund handed out to the needy in the 50’s and early 60’s, which is a blessing, but some residents do need to get out and about and the Fund arranges this. Looking after people who may be alone on Christmas Day has been going on for many years and is still one of the Gift Fund’s most important events. Volunteer drivers take the guests to the venue, which for many years has been Brightlingsea Sailing Club.

The Deputy and Lady Deputy host the Christmas lunch and entertainment. Anyone not able or fit enough to leave their home have their Christmas dinner delivered, along with a gift.

Summer Outings

Summer outings started in September 1980 and Spring outings started in May 1985, again to get the housebound out and about. They still continue, with volunteer drivers taking guests for rides through the countryside, then joining the Deputy and Lady Deputy for afternoon tea.

The Gift Fund committee comprises past Deputies, the Deputy’s Assistants of the day and Officers, past Lady Deputies and an active co-opted member. Some of these people have been active members for over 40 years. The Gift Fund relies on donations and fund-raising and is one of the oldest charities in the Town