The Deputy's Assistants 2023 - 2024

The Assistants

The six Assistants are put forward by the Deputy and confirmed in office by those Freemen present at the Choosing Day ceremony.
Research is progressing regarding the history behind their appointment and duties. Very little is written, history preferring to concentrate on The Deputy, although mention of the Assistants does occur during the 16th century. What is known is their past responsibility for assisting The Deputy in maintaining law and order. To this end, their symbols of office include a ‘baton’, carried as police constables carried their truncheons, but presumably pre-dating the introduction of police constables.
Today’s Assistants support The Deputy at some of the functions he may attend. Robed in red, wearing a medallion held by a blue ribbon and carrying a baton, they process behind The Deputy and his Officers.

The Deputy’s Assistants for the term 2023 – 2024. (Left to right in picture above).

Peter Reilly, Steve Houston, Iain Wrengren, Bill Miller, Charles Haywood, Tony Linton.